"REVEALED: The Internet's Most Closely-Guarded and Lucrative Secret..."
Read on to discover the single-most powerful secret which guarantees you success online. When you master this one thing (and we'll show you how) you can truly become the master of your own financial destiny...
13th January 2025
Dear Friend,
I hit refresh and there it was staring back at me on the screen...
Over 10 million visitors in FREE TRAFFIC using just one of the traffic secrets you're getting access to from this page.
Take a look for yourself;
So yes - this really is just one result from one of the methods you're getting access to here.
And it's not just me, Michael Cheney, who's revealing all his free traffic methods to you because...
Tom Woods, my esteemed collegue at The Traffic Academy, is also going to spill the beans on all his best free traffic methods too.
Together we have over 30 years combined experience driving free traffic and sales online.
And while Tom isn't keen on talking monetary numbers let's just say these free traffic methods have, combined, made us what is technically known as a "shed load" of money.
But this didn't happen overnight as you can imagine...
"Earning Money Online is Exciting But They Don't Tell You How Hard it Can Be to Get Traffic..."
You might have dreamt of having your own online business. The key to success with any online enterprise is traffic.
There's one skill you can't live without online and that is - how to get traffic.
Once you master traffic the sky's the limit and you really can scale quickly and start generating life-changing income for yourself.
Tom and I have worked hard testing, sometimes failing, and tweaking the best free traffic methods for a combined 30+ years to find the ways which work best.
We are both famously frugal with our money and so love anything free. This is why you're getting the best FREE traffic methods in this program...
"Because There's Nothing Worse Than Hitting Refresh and Seeing 'Zero Visitors' Day After Day..."
Traffic is the lifeblood of every internet business. Without it you are dead in the water.
And while the internet is full of all kinds of "experts" telling you how easy it is to get an online business up and running there's one thing they don't tell you...
They don't tell you you're doomed to failure without mastering the art of getting traffic.
We've learned these traffic secrets the hard way by spending 30+ years on the frontlines of internet marketing...
"Nobody Will Find Your Site, Link or Offer (Even if it's the Best in the World)..."
You've perhaps heard this idea that if you build the best mousetrap in the world customers will beat a path to your door.
It's another myth I'm afraid.
Some of the best products, services and ideas in the world die a quick death because they are not marketed.
i.e. The hungry crowd for the product is not located and traffic methods are not employed to get those people in front of the offer.
This is where the rubber hits the road and without it you cannot make money online, period.
"And Trying to Get Traffic Can Be a Dangerous Drain on Your Time and Money If You Do It Wrong..."
Sure - some methods of traffic can be easy to get started but often end up being very difficult to actually get results with...
Social media can be very powerful and I've personally got my messages in front of millions of people (for free) using social media.
But it's not just a case of chucking up a profile or page online and waiting for the magic to happen.
There is a very exact science to this - a set of components and processes that need to be followed.
Without doing them all correctly and in the right sequence you won't get traffic and sales from the internet.
"Paid Traffic is No Cakewalk Either - I've Personally Lost Over $100,000 in Paid Ads - It's Not a Quick, Easy Fix People Think It Is..."
This is a favorite among lazy people.
"All I have to do is spend a little money on advertising and my business will explode."
Errrr... nope.
While ads can be a source of good traffic, in my 30+ years experience it is one of the most difficult and dangerous traffic methods out there.
I've personally lost over $100,000 trying to get paid ads to work and failing spectacularly.
I know many established marketers who spend months and thousands of dollars on ads just to break even.
It's really not easy and the traffic is cold - they don't know anything about you or the offer you're promoting and this is a bad combination.
"You're About To Get More Free Traffic Than You Ever Thought Possible..."
Firstly - you don't even need a website to get traffic and make money online.
Tom Woods and I have over 30 years' experience in driving high-quality, highly-targeted, free traffic online.
We know what works.
We've put in the years of hard work, testing, tweaking and perfecting so you don't have to.
It hasn't been easy and we're constantly learning.
But the great part is - we've done all this now so you don't have to toil away and you're getting the most up to date and most effective free traffic methods right here.
And now, for the very first time, we're making it available to a lucky group of our clients...
The Traffic Academy
"Get Your Hands on These Lucrative Free Traffic Secrets..."
This really is the most comprehensive collection of free traffic-getting methods you will ever see. We've poured blood, sweat and tears into the Traffic Academy.
Make no mistake - this will take work on your part although we do show you each step to take and it's all simple stuff.
The great part is;
You can use these free traffic methods to drive traffic to any website or offer in any niche.
Unlocking these secrets gives you the real keys to the internet marketing kingdom;
"Every Single Strategy Is Laid Bare for You Inside The 16 Video Training Modules..."
You're getting your hands on 16 breakthrough training videos which show you the shortest route to getting masses of free traffic online. Tested. Tweaked. Proven.
You literally get to watch as we show you, on screen, every step we've taken to attract millions of free clicks to our websites and offers.
You just watch, learn and apply these secrets for yourself.
You can even download every one of the 16 video modules if you want to and study away from your computer or when you're offline.
We're providing you with everything you need to succeed here. You just bring yourself, your enthusiasm and consistent effort...
"Learn and Earn on the Move with MP3 Audio Versions of Every Module..."
Alongside the videos you get the MP3 Audio versions of every Module so you can reinforce your learning or discover free traffic secrets when you're on the move.
These are perfect for listening on your daily commute, dog commute etc. and will help you absorb the traffic tactics and apply them effectively.
Everybody enjoys different styles and modes of learning and these audios will help you understand, implement and perfect all the techniques we share with you.
And as if that weren't enough you're also getting to;
"Learn at a Speed That Suits You with These Written Transcripts..."
To make this even easier you're getting the written transcript for each of the 16 modules.
This means you can read it at your leisure and really have the traffic secrets sink in so you can apply them to maximum effect.
And you're also getting a PDF version of all 16 presentations so you can review them and study them whenever and wherever you want.
You really are completely covered here;
We've combined our decades of experience to ensure your success is not left to chance.
All you have to is learn, apply then earn.
"Everywhere People Are Raving About These
Breakthrough Free Traffic Secrets
And So Will YOU When You Discover..."
- Perhaps the most powerful thing you can offer which will have people fighting to give you money and it's free and easy to do (Module 7)
- The secret free traffic formula which leads to certain success online (Module 1)
- The simple "button" which builds you an army of repeat visitors and loyal followers (Module 2)
- Why most people lose their shirt trying to get traffic and how to avoid it (Module 1)
- Two little-known tools the pros use to get top search engine rankings (Module 4)
- The single-most powerful tactic which guarantees you endless free traffic and sales (Module 1)
- The secret "good manners" tactic to get lots of free traffic harnessing other people's hard work and credibility (Module 7)
- A powerful real-life case study of a viral campaign which attracted thousands of visitors and helped make $27,611 (Module 5)
- The weird counter-intuitive trick to unlocking free traffic and sales they don't teach you in university (Module 9)
"You're Also Getting These Highly Sought-After Free Traffic Secrets..."
- The secret social media hack to unlocking tons of traffic without having to pay for their ads (Module 8)
- The single-best monetization technique known to man (Module 6)
- The secret "backdoor" method to getting traffic from one of the biggest websites on the planet (Module 2)
- 5 little-known ways you can get free traffic from Facebook without posting anything (Module 8)
- An easy way to create "bozo repellent" which ensures you never have to deal with muppets in your business (Module 11)
- A 60-second strategy that gets you more reach, more crediblity and more free traffic online (Module 8)
- A nifty trick to get oodles of free traffic from search engines (Module 4)
- How to get more free traffic from social media than people who are paying hundreds of dollars in ads (Module 8)
- A simple yet effective way to kickstart traffic to any website or offer even if you're just starting out (Module 5)
- The secret Facebook hacks to reaching more people and getting masses of free traffic (Module 8)
- An exciting new tactic you can use to get viral traffic where other people send you leads (Module 5)
"Strap Yourself in Because You'll Also Learn..."
- The one single lucrative method people would drop everything to do if they knew how powerful it was (Module 6)
- An easy way to get free traffic by getting other people to do the work for you (Module 4)
- A fiendishly simple way to attract thousands of devout followers to your business in record time (Module 8)
- A step-by-step guide on tapping into one of the most under-utilized free traffic sources online (Module 3)
- A deadly mistake you must avoid which can kill your traffic in a heartbeat (Module 4)
- How to get instant attention in your market (even if you’re a no-name newbie) (module 14)
- The accelerated way to get masses of people following you and clicking your links (Module 3)
- A nifty shortcut to attracting masses of people to your business, link or offer which only take a minute to do (Module 7)
- An ingenious way to tap into endless free video traffic without ever appearing on camera (Module 2)
- The insider secrets the pros don’t want you to know (module 14)
"We're Making it as Simple as Possible for You To Succeed Here Because You're Also Going to Learn..."
- A proven method for beating the social media algoryithms to reach the most people possible for free (Module 8)
- 3 dangerous traffic shortcuts which flat out don't work and you must avoid (Module 2)
- A closely-guarded resource which reveals the right words to use to attract the most free traffic (Module 3)
- A simple way to get your followers to give you money without ever selling a single thing (Module 7)
- A little-known method for getting two times or three times as much traffic using a totally free service (Module 2)
- The one simple, 2-second twist which can get you oodles more eyeballs (module 14)
- A brain-dead simple way to get started with one of the easiest, yet powerful, free traffic strategies known to man (Module 9)
- An easy way to get high-quality traffic consistently over the long-term (Module 4)
"And It Doesn't Stop There Because You'll Also Discover..."
- The must-have software Michael uses to reach a global free traffic audience of millions (Module 16)
- The powerful formula for making something go viral online and send you masses of free traffic (Module 11)
- The eye-popping special effects which wow your audience into buying (every one unveiled for you in a detailed step-by-step walkthrough) (module 14)
- A breakthrough case-study showing you a simple way to get five times more free traffic for the same effort (Module 16)
- One huge time-hog you must avoid unless you like failure (Module 9)
- Probably the most fun way to get free traffic ever invented - and it's highly effective too (Module 10)
- The secret "peak traffic times" online you can capitalize on to get the most free traffic (Module 8)
- A killer cellphone app which can unlock thousands of free visitors for you (Module 10)
- The #1 most-important ingredient in the "free traffic recipe" and how to get it (Module 16)
"You Really Are Getting All Our Most Lucrative Secrets Here Including..."
- An ingenious strategy which really explodes your traffic and profits to the next level (Module 15)
- A secret free video that shows you how to reach a global audience in minutes (Module 4)
- A cool resource you can use to get people to build your business for you (Module 6)
- The most lucrative traffic secrets Michael's learned in the past 20 years (Module 15)
- A massively under-utilized free traffic method which anyone can do (Module 13)
- A clever way to generate tons of free traffic which also builds credibility and helps others (Module 13)
- Ranking secrets of the Pros which can unlock masses more traffic for very little effort (Module 2)
- A mysterious method to get a lucrative mailing list using the power of cellphones (Module 11)
- The “20-second sales booster” strategy which can put thousands in your pocket (nobody else is doing or teaching this) (module 14)
Testimonials for
Tom Woods & Michael Cheney
- Dave Nicholson"Michael is a real, honest, genuine guy.
A recent promotion we did earned us nearly significantly more income with a few little tweaks made from Michael."
- Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, Senior Judicial Analyst, FOX News"The smartest guy in the room."
- Keith McDonald"I have only been using a fraction of Michael's techniques for about a week and have already seen an increase in revenues of 50%. Thanks Michael from me and my wallet."
- Brian Cotsen"I couldn't believe how much more money I was making once I'd put into action what your lessons were teaching. I estimate that I have seen roughly a 400% increase in revenue."
- Eric Green"I wanted to work with a proven leader... and it made all the difference in the world. You have to find guys who have what you want and know what you need to know. Michael is one of those guys."
- Des Smith"What really excited me was the fact that in the 3 years I've been online, the most I had ever made was $200 in 3 years. After following your instructions in two weeks I made 5 times that. I can't Thank You enough; you are a true ambassador to the Internet for giving back and helping others to have true success in making money online."
- Dan Higgins"With all of your help, I have found a new life. Not only for myself, but for my entire family as well. I consciously made the decision that I would quit my job. You should have seen the looks on their faces. I cannot begin to thank you enough for all of your help."
- Mark Joyner, Multi-#1 Bestselling Author and Founder of Simpleology"Michael, you are a genius, and I use that word rarely. Your friend and fan."
- Mark Nelson, Tennessee, USA"Michael shares his knowledge from actual experience.
He is very easy to follow and understand.
My business is growing from what I have learned from Michael."
- Ben Martin, The Bahamas"My mind is BLOWN. In the past 4 days I’ve made over 70 sales. Sales are going in daily. I've made substantial income using your methods."
- Peter Schiff"Tom Woods is one of my dearest allies in the struggle against wrong-headed and dangerous economic policy."
- Mark Dayton"Hi Michael just an update for you. Yesterday I made sales. Today I made more sales. Do I need to mention I was making no money prior to this? Lol."
- David Stockman, director of Ronald Reagan’s Office of Management and Budget, 1981-1985"You’ve written some great stuff over the years, and you’ve contributed to the education of a lot of people, including myself."
- Eric Larson"Today I made sales and it’s only 9:30am. Last week I made a lot of sales too. Grab this now, and fire your boss. It will be the best decision you have ever made."
- Barry Goldwater Jr., former Member of Congress"During these times that challenge our freedoms there is no one more qualified to make U.S. history relevant to the fight against big government than Thomas Woods."
- John Crosbie"I’ve worked with Kern, Carlton, Kennedy and Deiss but there’s always something missing. So I decided to work with Michael and fill in the gaps - the puzzle pieces that make money. It worked."
- Matt Haslem, Australia"Your tactics really gave me a foot in the door into the internet marketing world."
- Naidy Phoon, Malaysia"I went from struggling to daily success without spending any money on ads or having to build a huge list."
"PLUS:- Here Are 3 Powerful Reasons The Traffic Academy is Different To Anything You've Ever Seen Before..."
Reason #1. It works (always important!). Feel free to get your money back if you are the first person on the planet this doesn't work for
Reason #2. It's based on battle-tested, proven free traffic strategies learned through trial and error on the internet battlefield over 30+ years
Reason #3. It's ethical. You can find other trainings out there that might promise to help you get traffic and line your pockets. But there is nothing out there like this which can help you get traffic the right way by helping others
By now you can see there are lots of reasons you want to invest in this and get started.
And you should...
"Grab This TODAY Because You're Also Getting LIVE Implementation Training From Tom Woods and Michael Cheney Thrown In!"
Grab this today and you'll get exclusive access to attend a LIVE online training event with us.
You're going to love this LIVE Implementation Call because you'll discover;
The best ways to get tons of targeted, free traffic
How to build a highly-successful online business which gets you traffic, gets you leads and encourages those leads to become customers
Insider secrets to boost your earnings and accelerate your success rate
And much, much more besides...
Your low, ONE-OFF investment in the Traffic Academy is completely zero risk for you because you're covered with the...
"30-Day No Quibble, No Questions, No Holds-Barred,
No B.S., Money Back Guarantee..."
We know this works. And all the people who’ve used this also know it works.
But you might be skeptical and that’s perfectly normal. We get that.
So you can come on board, apply the methods and judge for yourself.
You can have this cranking today.
But we’ll go even further than that and give you 30 days to try the whole thing out.
If, for whatever reason, you want to get your money back just let us know before the 30 days have passed and you’ll get a no quibble, no questions asked refund.
"We Originally Considered Selling this for $497..."
Because traffic is such a critical part of everyone's success online and we want our clients to shower us with praise, testimonials and case studies you can grab this today for a very low, one-time investment...
YES! I Want to Know The Most Closely-Guarded and Lucrative Secret
YES. Please give me immediate access to all 16 of "The Traffic Academy" video training modules for the low, one-time investment of just $19.95.
YES. Please give me the exact secrets which Tom and Michael have already used to attract millions of visitors and dollars
YES. I understand I am short-cutting thousands of hours of painstaking research, trial and error by getting my hands on this battle-tested and proven method for getting masses of free traffic
YES. I understand you're giving me all your best free traffic methods in an easy to copy and deploy, step-by-step format
YES. I want immediate access to these groundbreaking free traffic secrets right away so I can start applying them today and achieve success
YES. I understand you will also be granting me exclusive access to a LIVE implementation call to give me a deeper and richer understanding of the strategies and ask you questions
There is no risk whatsoever and I should grab The Traffic Academy training RIGHT NOW for just the small, ONE-TIME, ONE-OFF investment of just $19.95.
I have a FULL 30 Days Money Back Guarantee, and nobody is allowed to ask me anything or try to pitch me something else if I decide to ask for my money back.
Just $19.95
Get Access Now:
All payments are received by Seniority.co.uk Limited - Michael Cheney's holding company and a portion of all the profits go to libertarian causes and charities supported by Tom Woods and Michael Cheney.
You're about to get your hands on the internet's most closely-guarded and lucrative secret;
You could take what we teach you inside the Traffic Academy to build a 7-figure business (we both have).
You could master the techniques and grow a huge brand and personal following online or just get masses of sales as an affiliate.
Heck - you could even charge people a grand or more to consult for them once you know all this stuff.
Imagine being able to get as much highly-targeted free traffic to any offer, website or link forever? This is what you'll be able to do.
You really can't put a price on this.
And as we mentioned earlier - we could easily have charged $497 for this but we're giving it to you for a fraction of this because we like being showered with praise, adulation, loyalty and testimonials.
You do have a choice though...
If you'd rather not learn all these free traffic secrets just dedicate the next 30 years of your life to finding your own way through the internet marketing jungle like we have.
You know what to do...
Tom Woods & Michael Cheney
P.S. You're about to get your hands on the internet's most closely-guarded and lucrative secret. We've used this very same secret to get masses of free traffic and turn it into a 7-figure income for our businesses. It's taken us 30 years to master and you can have it in just a few minutes from now. See you on the inside...
Our results are A-TYPICAL because we are super-focused and when we get to work we work hard. That's why you probably won't have the same results as us. We can not promise that you'll even have similar results because we don't know if you will work as hard as we do. Your success in business (and in life) depends on YOU, your aptitude, your ability, your skills, your work ethic, and many other factors out of our control. Your individual success does NOT depend on us or on this product. Please read over all the legal pages below before buying.
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